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Public affairs

Do you work for a government and are looking for additional support or a different perspective? Do you want advice and support engaging with government? We can help you.

We have extensive experience advising Mayors, Chiefs, Councillors, City Managers, Deputy Ministers and Ministers on how to navigate and engage with media, public and key stakeholders while working in government communications and policy at provincial and municipal levels.  

Our experience:

Tamara Little:

  • Multiple provincial and municipal clients (Government B.C. Ministry of Citizens’ Services, Forest Innovation Investment, First Nations Health Authority, Provincial Health Authority, Managed Forests Council, Vancouver Health Authority, UBCM, City of Vancouver, City of Fernie)
  • Worked on over a dozen political campaigns, including leading communications for candidates
  • Former President of the BC Chapter of the Public Affairs Association of Canada 
  • 8 years at Canada’s two top agencies, leading government relations programs for FortisBC, Global Container Terminals, Port of Metro Vancouver, Innergex, City of Surrey
  • 7 years in communications including as Communications Director for a number of Ministers and Ministries in the B.C. Government 
  • 4 years advising Mayors and City Managers on Aboriginal Relations and treaty negotiations
Facilitating the Energy Literacy Roundtable, Fort St. John.